Sometimes is just wonderful receiving a message like that at 1:30am from a Christian Dating Site:
You have probably heard this a million times before, but you are absolutely adorable in the sight of our Lord. He calls you the 'apple' of His eye, and the Lord says that you are 'fearfully and wonderfully' made. He knew you before you were even formed in your mom's womb, and He knows every hair on your head, and His thoughts towards you are innumerable. His Word says that He has plans to prosper, and not to harm you. To give you hope and a future. He fills you with His Holy Spirit, and you are a reflection of His Son, Jesus the Christ. You are the Light of Christ, and He fills you with His fruit of the Holy Spirit, a gift that is unending. His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. He is working out His perfect will for your life right now as you read this, so rejoice precious daughter of the Lord, because He also says that He will grant you the desires of your heart; in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and HE will direct your path . . . to that person He has designed so perfectly just for YOU!
shalom sis
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